
Minimum required improvements: The minimum improvements which shall be installed in all subdivisions by the proprietor are as follows:


Street construction which shall include subbase gravel, grading, storm drainage and paving.


Sanitary sewer lines when an adequate sanitary sewer main exists within 500 feet from any portion of the proposed subdivision or, in lieu of sanitary sewer line installation, some other sewage disposal facility acceptable to the governing body and health department.


Building sewer to each lot.


Water lines and water services, including curb stop to each lot.


Outlawns between the improved street and right-of-way line shall be graded and filled with four inches of top soil and seeded.


Sidewalk construction.


Minimum required standard of installation :


The improvements, required to be installed by the proprietor, shall be installed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the City of Alpena and under the supervision of the city officials having jurisdiction of such installations.


The proprietor shall be responsible for the installation and cost thereof of water lines up to and including six-inch diameter mains and of sanitary sewer lines up to and including eight-inch diameter mains. Costs encountered over and above that of six-inch water lines and eight-inch sanitary sewer lines will be borne by the city.


The proprietor shall be responsible for the installation and cost thereof of all streets, as listed above, up to and including a width of 31 feet.


The proprietor shall be responsible for the installation and cost thereof of an adequate system for stormwater drainage, consisting of curb, gutter and storm sewer system or adequate alternative as determined by the city engineer.


If, during the process of the installation of improvements, it is necessary to remove any monuments or benchmarks, the proprietor or his contractor shall obtain permission from the city engineering department in order to make such removal. All monuments or benchmarks removed, relocated or destroyed shall be replaced in their proper locations, by the proprietor, at his expense.


The proprietor shall be responsible for construction of sidewalks along all lots.

(Ord. No. 233, §§ 1, 2)